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Founded : 2015

Headquarters : Belgium, Gent

Type of Business: MaaS platform provider B2B

Customer(s) : ???

Investor(s) :???

Contact : sales@olympus-mobility.com

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Overview :

Why Olympus Mobility?

Olympus Mobility isn’t just another company that offers a service or product. It was created for a number of reasons:

Olympus Mobility is created from a need to improve the world we all live in by increasing the mobility of employees to a level of higher sustainability

Olympus Mobility has grown from the desire to fight mobility issues through coordinated cooperation between different modes of transporation

Our mobility platform Olympus Mobility was developed envisioning the ability to offer a full-option transport solution and to accomplish interoperability between infrastructure and modes of transportation

History of Olympus Mobility

Olympus Mobility is an initiative of VAB, Cambio and Taxistop since 2015.

With the high-performance, digital Olympus platform, we want to unburden mobility users as much as possible by combining different modes of transport and their administration. This enormous simplification also reduces costs and increases useful time for employees and employers alike. When modes of transport can be cleverly combined in function of the journey, this will also result in a much-needed reduction in congestion.

The Olympus platform covers the entire process, from purchasing to invoicing, and useful new integrations and solutions are implemented regularly.


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